Thursday, 5 July 2018

Some Clouds

Date: 4 July

Air temp 17C-16C
Water temp 15C
Water height -23cm
Number of rods: 15
Number of fish caught: 20
Biggest fish: 21lbs Justin Miller
No 30lb+: 0
No 20-29lbs: 1
No 8-19lbs: 11
Grilse: 8


Cloudy, muggy with light rain until lunchtime.

Manager’s Comments:

A muggy start to the day with rain until lunchtime. Hopefully it might be enough rain to influence either the water temperature or height. The anticipation of fishing with cloud cover was high after yesterday’s beating sunshine.

In too deep for the photo!
Andy B lost four fish in Lyliok in the morning. Justin M chose to fish the faster pocket water on Upper Norcamp to good effect losing as many fish as he landed, and in the evening landed a 21lber from Lyliok.

Fat Yokanga salmon
 A much cooler evening has enticed more rods out this evening, that and no games in the World Cup!

Suits you Sir
Bill Drury