Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Blistering Heat

Date: 3 July

Air temp 20-25C
Water temp 14C
Water height -21cm
Number of rods: 15
Number of fish caught:12
Biggest fish: 20lb Jim Cochran
No 30lb+: 0
No 20-29lbs:1
No 8-19lbs: 6
Grilse: 5


Bright sunshine all day. It was 20C at 9am.

Blazing sunshine
Manager’s Comments:

It was a warm sunny day that definitely put the fish down and made the fishing tough.

Some innovation was applied by Jim C who turned a child’s toy into a tube fly! He landed his only fish of the day on it which was 20lbs!

Innovative fly pattern

Not available at Farlows
Another notable fish was a fresh 19lber for Rob T from Island.

Rob T with his 19lber
Max Krottenhaler kept up his average of catching double figure fish every single day this week with two 15lbers from Poachers.

Bear track in the sand
Evening fishing was minimal with only a couple of guys braving the mosquitoes. The option of watching the World Cup on the lodge TV seemed to be more favourable!

World Cup takes precedence over fishing
Bill Drury