Monday, 25 June 2018

What a Start!

Date: Evening 23 and 24 June

Air Temp: 10C-16C
Water Temp: 13C
Water height: +3cm
Number of rods: 17
Number of fish caught: 39
Biggest fish: 25lbs William M
No 30lb+: 0
No 20-29lbs: 5
No 8-19lbs: 31
Grilse: 3


Sunny and bright with a very strong downstream wind and clouding over late Sunday morning.

Manager’s Comments:

It was a quick entry into Murmansk and the team were already at the lodge by 2pm. It was therefore a quick something to eat and for some it was off to the river.
Team photo on Sunday
Matt H and Bill W got off to a good start on the first evening and had one each from Lyliok. The team tally was five under extremely difficult casting conditions but the first evening is always a moment to just get the wrinkles out of the casting and to make sure that the kit is all performing and rigged correctly.
Bright skies on Sunday morning
Sunday dawned and the wind had not abated and the team departed on the helicopter. Having drawn Sand Island, Matt H had a 20lber and two others and John B had a 12lber.

Yury D had an impressive eight fish from Nahodka and Golden Reach plus a lot of other action. Other than the one grilse his fish weighed 14lbs, 15lbs, 15lbs, 16lbs, 18lbs, 18lbs, 22lbs.

One of eight for Yury D

Some impressive weights
Below them on 7 Islands Bill W had three 14lbs, 16lbs and 16lbs. Fishing with him, William M had a superb start to the week, his weighing 12lbs, 23lbs and 25lbs. Jean G had two from Lyliok weighing 12lbs and 18lbs and Lance R had a lovely 22lber and one other.
Lance with his 22lber
We have Paulo Hoffman and Alex Keus from the Fly Fishing Nation photographing and filming Jasper Paakkonen this week. They had no luck during the fishing day but collectively caught six during the two evening sessions.

A good start for Jasper P on the first evening
All in all it was pretty amazing result given the testing casting conditions in the strong wind. There is considerable enthusiasm among the guests this week and there was some celebration until the early hours!
Social after dinner drinks and cigars
Henry Mountain