Tuesday, 26 June 2018

32lb Salmon

Date: 25 June

Air Temp: 16C
Water Temp: 13C
Water height: +3cm
Number of rods: 17
Number of fish caught: 31
Biggest fish: 32lbs John Bresnihan
No 30lb+: 1
No 20-29lbs: 2
No 8-19lbs: 24
Grilse: 4


There was little or no wind and cloudy skies.

Manager’s Comments:

It looked like the perfect fishing day. And indeed for some it was very good day indeed. Jasper P landed three from Lyliok in the morning including a 19lber and 23lber. He then followed it up with two from Crow’s Nest, an 18lber and 19lber.

Jasper P with fish on
William M continued his good run with four from Island, the largest 17lbs and 19lbs. He then added another one to his tally after dinner with one from the Pots which has been fishing very well. Unfortunately, his fishing companion Bill W blanked. Good luck tomorrow Bill, it will happen!

19lber being released at Crow's Nest
Yury D landed a more modest two compared to his incredible eight the previous day. Two is always a good score on the Yokanga where we have less numbers but much higher average weights. Yury’s largest was a 25lber from Poachers.

25lber from Poachers for Yury D
Antony B and Nout K blanked on Home Pool in the morning but the glass of Chardonnay at lunch must have helped as they went on to land one each from Lyliok in the afternoon.

Picnic lunch at Lyliok
The story of the day was John B who landed a 32lber from 7 Islands. He was using his 13’7” 9 wt travel rod when he hooked this fish. Congratulations John for a personal best.

John B with his 32lber

30lb+ cap awarded to John B for his 32lber
We have had a 24-hour period of small disasters. Pat B lost a huge fish after a long battle which was won by the salmon. Old Sasha saw the fish clearly and Pat had a good look at its tail. Old Sasha estimated it at over 40lbs. Jean G had a run of bad luck and straightened out hooks on two separate occasions. Lance R lost the head of his line in a pocket above Pump. We will try and retrieve that later today with a boat. Then to top it all William M lost a rod overboard! They did manage to retrieve it though.

Dinner at the lodge
Fish are clearly entering the river in some numbers even if we are not seeing them show themselves. Evening sessions on Lyliok have seen fish porpoising through the tail of the pool and there have been sea liced fish caught up as far as Sand Island. Long may they continue to keep coming.

June 2017 drifted snow

June 2018
Henry Mountain