Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Snow Wind Snow Wind

Date: 5 June

Air Temp: 2-6C
Water Temp: 7C
Water height: +11cm
Number of rods: 8
Number of fish caught: 0 (++++kelts)
Biggest fish: -
No 30lb+: 0
No 20-29lbs: 0
No 8-19lbs: 0
Grilse: 0


Snow, wind, snow, wind, snow, wind, ………..more snow, more wind!

Manager’s Comments:

Four seasons in one day. Well three actually (no summer!) We knew today would be tough, so Dean, Chris, Dean’s son Charlie and son in law to be Jake decided to fish together on Home and Lyliok and have a big fire and LONG bankside lunch. The feeling is that the kelts are really leaving now, there are lots of takes and nudges from them and plenty being landed now on the lower beats. In a week they will be gone.

The fresh fish are still not here, but the good news of a few really stunning fish landed on the lower river and several lost, along with many more seen running than early in the week has everyone excited for the second half of the week here at the lodge.  Pete W lost a large fish at the net at Beach yesterday, but couldn’t be sure if fresh or overwintered. Other than that, the team valiantly swept thousands of square metres of water with Snaeldas, Cascades and the like, knowing that sooner or later the prize we are all waiting for will show up.
An apres fishing drink served by Den

Generally speaking, it was insanely cold today. No respite whatsoever, just wind and snow. Luckily when we all re-convene back at the lodge barman Den ensures everyone is well ‘watered’ and Yuri cooked a mean fillet steak which we washed down with plenty of Chianti. The music came on, and everyone agreed that when the fresh ones get to us they will be all the sweeter for it!.......I have a small bet on that we get the first fresh one(s) tomorrow!

Peter Rippin