Tuesday, 19 June 2018

One in Three Over 20lbs

Date: 18 June

Air Temp: 12-20C
Water Temp: 12C
Water height: -9cm
Number of rods: 14
Number of fish caught: 21
Biggest fish: 31.5lbs Paul I
No 30lb+: 1
No 20-29lbs: 7
No 8-19lbs: 13

Grilse: 0


We woke to yet another sunny day and the forecast afternoon cloud failed to materialise. There was a very strong upstream wind hampering casting for many.

Heading upriver
Manager’s Comments:

There were smiles all round on the returning helicopter this evening with salmon landed from all beats above the lodge. The fish are all absolutely mint fresh from the sea and everyone is reporting fish going ballistic jumping a handful of times during the fight.

Weighing John H's 15lber
Colin J and Martin V had an epic day at Upper Norcamp. Colin landed a 17lber and 21lber. Martin had a 10lber, 18lber and also a 20lber. The latter on a 5 foot 4 inch rod. His rod broke when bringing the fish in to the net…

As I sit typing, Colin has just returned from an evening session on Lyliok. He hooked a large fish close to the bank which then towed him up and down for 15 minutes, breaching several times in full view of him and Big Andrei before coming loose. Colin reckons it was easily the largest fish he has hooked on the Yokanga. He also lost a fish during the day which wrapped him around a rock and eventually broke him.

The story of the day was Paul I, who bettered yesterday's personal best when he landed an absolutely stunning fresh 31.5lber at Cliff. His fishing partner Ken M had three in the morning and a nice 16lber to finish the day from Pump.

Paul I with his 31.5lber from Cliff
Valery N pushed up the average weight with a 23lber and 24lber from Island as did Anders H with his 22lber and 26lber from Lyliok. Anders had a hold of another three of similar size! I cannot stress enough what incredible condition these fish are in.

Valery N with his 24lber
It is worth mentioning that guides all have engines for their boats now. It makes downstream progress (particularly across the lakes) that much faster particularly in a strong upstream wind like today.

As you might suspect, spirits are high and we all look forward to what is to come.

Henry Mountain