Friday, 15 June 2018

32.6lber at Upper Norcamp

Date: 14 June

Air Temp: 4 > 10 C
Water Temp: 6 C
Water height: -1 cm
Number of rods: 15
Number of fish caught: 12
Biggest fish: 32.6lbs Marcus Sandell
No 30lb+: 1
No 20-29lbs: 0
No 8-19lbs: 11
Grilse: 0

Cool light breeze, sunny spells during the day developing into a cloudless evening.

Manager’s Comments:
It came true! The weather forecast that is. Warm (out of the wind) and pleasant and sunny, in truth a day that you could cast downstream and the line and fly would sometimes actually go downstream!

Andy E had good fishing working his way down from Poachers to Beach to Home pool, landing three fish to Sam’s two fish from Lake. Dan got a brace for the day. Markku and David also scored.
Roger and Marcus at Upper Norcamp
The story of the day however unfurled on Upper Norcamp. We had feared all week that Marcus would catch a fish even larger than Roger’s 34lber landed at 7 Islands earlier in the week. This would upset the natural order of deference to one’s future father in law (at least prior to the wedding). It was without doubt therefore that Marcus landing a huge fish on a fly and hook given to him by Markku led to a tense bankside weigh-in. 32.6lbs, what a relief, the wedding can still proceed!
32.6lb fish for Marcus
The evening was marked by a lot of excitement in camp as Russia won the opening game of the World Cup.

Gremikha Camp: I was checking on everyone at the lower camp today. There was still great excitement about James and Ismo’s successful evening on Pool 18 the evening before with their respective 31lber and 36.5lber. Incredible fish both of them and photos that demonstrate that. The team have been plugging away landing about 6-8 salmon a day with a pretty even spread between beats. With the very high tides this weekend (5-6m highs) we should see another large push of fresh fish entering the river. Exciting times for next weeks fishers.
Dinner underway at the Gremikha Camp

Peter Rippin