Monday 6 June 2016

Amazing Start

Date: Evening 4 June and Day 5 June

Air Temp: 0C to 5C
Water Temp: 9 to 8C
Water height: -12 to -9cms
Number of rods: 8
Number fish caught: 17
Biggest fish: 37lbs Chris Ballard
No 30+:1
No 20-29:4
No 8-19:12
Grilse: 0

Weather: An amazing array of snow, hail, rain, more snow and more hail. All driven hard upstream by a fierce northerly wind!

Manager's comments: An amazing start really. There are clearly plenty of fish here already and a good number of pods of Salmon pushing through each hour. Lyliok has been very productive, especially left bank as it's more sheltered. Chris Ballard landed one of the fattest fish we have ever recorded - by length it would have seemed more like 30lbs but weighed in at 37lbs. Nearly all fish are sea liced. With better weather we will really see what is in the river.